not a whole lot to write about this week. no real favorite patients or anything outstanding. maybe i'm just overtired and can't think straight right now. i did get to pull a chest tube, watch a central line placement and put in a bunch of foleys if that counts for anything. lots of cancer this week. lots. it's so fascinating to me to have a 3-D disease process that you can see and feel. and maybe a little bit gross.
moved in with kristy this week in her fifth wheel which is pretty awesome. like camping, only in a moveable 1 bedroom apartment. it's super nice. all the amenities. went for a nice bike ride. enjoyed karaoke nite at the RV park, although planning on making it there in person next week rather than hearing it from a distance...from the sounds of it it'll be a good show. maybe i'll even get back on the photobug boat and take some pictures next week. it just occured to me that i haven't pushed the trigger once since i've been here. huh.
as a p.s. to the last post, i had one decent encounter this week involving the zero bullshit army style history and physical taking: when interviewing a guy who was following up for a surgical trauma visit (think partial colectomy due to a MVA rollover, training maneuver gone horribly wrong), the preceptor comes in after i presented to him that the patient is still having diarrhea post-op. so the preceptor opens the door, greets the guy like old friends and dives right in. not even a blink inbetween.
"so buddy, i hear you've still got the shits. how bad is it? i mean, are you shitting your brains out, because if so this is definitely something we need to deal with cause you're deploying in like 2 months, right?"
"yes sir. still shitting my brains out, sir."
and there i was, stuck in between in a state of mild amusement and candid surprise. strangely pleasant surprise. i just so badly want to talk to all of my patients this way for the rest of my life.
that feeling was still with me after receiving a text from my sister in law today that my neice and nephew totally ROCKED their swim meet. so proud. but a little perplexed when i heard they had won the "breath stroke". cause that's what they call it there lest they upset anyone with the proper wordage. which makes me so, so sad. clearly the swim league organizers in NC need a little militaty intervention. maybe even an invasion. total takeover, even.
apparantly it's nap time until i can come up with something better. apologies. t minus 1 week until i have some sort of life bend! woot!
How To Test For 240 Volts
9 months ago
really? the breath stroke??? i second the need for an invasion and take over.